Wednesday, November 1, 2017

'' DARE TO DREAM BIG'' I have always loved the message in this sculpture.

'' DARE TO DREAM BIG'' I have always loved the message in this sculpture. I plan on making this a monumental bronze sculpture heiht 6' 6'' length 10' . the table top size is h-15'' x L-19'' If anyone is interested in helping make this happen message me.
A cat sitting on books with the titles The Power Of Belief looks into a mirror and sees his reflection as a lion. A mouse peeking around the mirror thinks, “Just what I need a cat who thinks he is a lion!” It is all about the power of belief. The way to become a lion is to think and believe you are lion.
Having the power of belief helps keep your dreams alive. To achieve anything in life requires faith and a strong belief in yourself. Your beliefs determine your action and your action determines your results, but first you must believe. All things are possible for those who believe. If you really believe you can do something, you can.
This sculpture will also have an interactive element. Next to the monumental bronze ‘’DARE TO DREAM BIG’’ will be an outdoor chalk board. At the top of the board a sign reads- I DARE TO DREAM BIG AND I WILL…. there is open space below for the viewer to engage with the sculpture and write down their dreams and goals. When the board is full it can be erased so the next person can write down their goals and dreams.
There are many benefits from writing down your goals. You are more likely to achieve your goals by writing them down. It will force you to clarify what you want and by selecting something specific, it will motivate you to take action. No dream is too big. Open your mind and heart to the possibilities, trust and believe that, if you write it down, one day you will make your goal happen.

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