Monday, April 4, 2016


BOLT FROM THE BLUE  Monumental bronze 72’’ x 32’’ x 1 6’’
Living mostly along mountain ranges, peregrine falcons combine amazing aerial agility with extreme velocity to make them the fastest animal on the planet clocking speeds in excess of 200 mph.  Known for its aggressive fearlessness and courage, it will defend its territory against all intruders. They have been known to attack and kill prey more than twice their size. Members from the first class at the Air Force Academy chose the falcon as the mascot of the cadet wing on Sept. 25, l955, in belief that it best characterized the combat role of the U.S. Air Force.  My father who was an Air Force Lt. Col., spent 30 years of his life in military service for his country. It is a real honor for me to have my monumental sculpture permanently placed at the Air Force Academy

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