Monday, July 13, 2015

Columbian Mammoth.

I was commissioned to create a life size bronze and stainless steel sculpture (20 feet high x 25 feet long x 16’ wide) of the Columbian Mammoth. The Columbian Mammoth has been chosen as the iconic symbol for the Washakie Museum and Cultural Center in Worland Wyoming. The Colby Mammoth Kill Site near Worland, Wyoming, provided evidence of Paleo-Indian hunters using Clovis projectile points to harvest the large mammoths. Can you imagine early Wyoming man was taking these animals down with a sharp rock on the end of a stick? Man they had to be tough!
Doing large monumental bronze sculptures is like climbing a ladder just keep taking small steps up and you make it to the top. No job is too big or small if you have the desire to finish it.

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