Sunday, May 14, 2017

Today is Mother’s Day and it is time to give props to my mother. I know I would not be the man I am today without her love and guidance.

Today is Mother’s Day and it is time to give props to my mother. I know I would not be the man I am today without her love and guidance. Mary Louise Brown, was born Nov. 12, 1933, in San Antonio, Texas. She had an extremely difficult childhood and was orphaned at the age of five following her mother’s death. She married young, and at age of 22, she brought me into this world as her fourth of five children. My mother has always been the backbone of our family. There were many times when my career military father was gone six months or more on deployment, and it was up to my mom to keep everything together she basically raised us alone. The thing I admire and love about my mom is that she always believed in the power of education. While raising five children, she went back to school to receive her bachelor, master’s, and doctorate degrees in English literature. In 1999, she retired as an English professor emeritus and head of the honor society at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. She showed me what you can do if you work hard and follow your dreams. I love you mom.

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